The book that saves the earth is published tomorrow (Tuesday, July 7th).
Greg Craven, assisted by the Manpollo crew (of which I am one), is launched upon an unsuspecting world. It's for non-expert ordinary people everywhere who are just a bit unsure over who to believe in the great global warming shouting match. Few trust governments fully these days so, even if they are just about all telling us the following - that climate change is happening; that it's likely to be an increasingly dangerous problem unless we do A LOT very quickly to head it off and that we need to start fixing the problem now - there's plenty of people who are still doubtful and somehow believe they are being conned. This is because the two sides in the shouting match are not evenly balanced numerically or in terms of credibility, although the way the media portrays it, you wouldn't know this.
The book allows "ordinary Joes" to make up their mind what is the best decision to make to safeguard their - and their family's - future. No-one needs to take a degree in science or be a climate expert to use this book - its basic idea is to use simple techniques of risk assessment to show what the best bet is. It sets out the simple pros and cons of believing either side of the argument and the consequences of either taking action or doing nothing. It uses a simple, but very powerful, decision grid to achieve this. As a side effect, it also shows how the same grid is a very useful way for everybody to make difficult decisions on many of life's problems, where all the facts are not clear and the answers are not obvious. I'll do another post in a couple of days, with plenty of links, but for the time being just click on this image of the front cover.
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I suppose the worst that could happen is they don't read the book.
The worst that could happen is total apathy regarding the future of our environment from our world leaders. What we need from our leaders is sincere concern for the future generations, not just a desire to get us all out of our current economic crises.
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