Vivaldi Tribute, played by Tina (14 y.o.), played on her Vigier Excalibur, taught and filmed by her teacher Renaud Louis-Servais ( http://www.youtube.com/renaudls )
"Presto" is the 3d movement from Antonio Vivaldi's "Summer", from the "Four Seasons".This version is an extract from Patrick Rondat's guitar adaptation in his "Amphibia" album (1996).
and while we’re in guitar hero mode, an almost historic (2005/8!) intertubes sensation – Funtwo (click this link for his website) plays Pachelbel’s canon. His real name is Jeong-Hyun Lim from Seoul, Korea. Lim's video is the fifty-sixth most viewed and tenth most favourited video on YouTube, as of June 26, 2011, with over 90 million views and counting.
And here’s how he has refined it by 2012. Probably this doesn’t quite have the raw edge of the original.
and the original "classic" version