Sustainable environment, free flying and occasional fun.
Joint US/China statement 13/04/2013:
The U.S.A. and the People's Republic of China recognize that the increasing dangers presented by climate change measured against the inadequacy of the global response requires a more… urgent initiative... Both sides consider that the overwhelming scientific consensus regarding climate change constitutes a compelling call to action crucial to having a global impact on climate change.
Here’s a link to an irresistible cartoon from Mark Fiore. It shows that it isn’t just the Climategate emails that show scientists in a human light. Using the same sort of logic as a lot of the denier maroons who are trumpeting the Climategate emails as some sort of proof of conspiracy, cover up and fraud, Fiore “proves” that gravity, matter, Earth and our solar system are hoaxes too.
Edit - originally I couldn't embed this Flash animation – it's really worth going to the website as a bonus. Look at the rest of Mark’s cartoons too.
Somewhat more restrained in tone, Peter Sinclair’s latest Climate Crock video socks it to sniggering denialist “Climategate” idiots by comparing them to Beavis and Butthead. Now, I consider this very unfair to B&B because they were only ever going to affect a few people around them with their moronic, uber-selfish outlook, but climate denialists, if any more people give then houseroom, could do for the whole planet and all the people – no contest really is it? Denialists are WAAAY worse than Beavis and Butthead!
Here's a masterfully sarcastic takedown by Potholer54 of the idiotically deceitful mania of the PR blitz currently being mounted by denialists, over the Climategate hacked emails. It clearly shows that these obstructive characters will say anything, or distort anything, to bolster their irrational blinkered views.
They are not "sceptics" as they like to portray themselves - sceptics look at all sides of the evidence and draw a balanced conclusion. They are deniers, plain and simple - they deny science - they deny evidence - they embrace and regurgitate fallacious logic and will only accept anything if it can be twisted to support the conclusion that they want to come to! Anything else gets ignored. Mad, bad and dangerous to know, if these astonishingly irresponsible types get their way, they will eventually be guilty of the deaths of countless millions. They hate being called deniers because they think they are being compared with Holocaust deniers - they are not - they are being compared with the type of person one may see on the Jeremy Kyle show who is in denial about their drinking or their partner's infidelity etc - a psychological state of avoiding confronting reality. However, come to think of it, climate science denial could end up killing more people than Adolf ever did...
A storm in a tea cup being ruthlessly exploited by the denialists - or obstructionists if that makes them feel happier, because they really can't seem to see that they're like the man who "hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest" (from"The Boxer" written by Paul Simon).
Here’s a link to the Climate progess blog which features an audio link of a press call yesterday featuring three major climate scientists taking questions from such as Newsweek, Revkin of the New YorkTimes etc about the “Climategate” emails. It’s about 50 minutes long.